Friday, March 11, 2005


WASHINGTON ( -- The typical American schoolchild now spends more time engaged with media each week than the average adult spends working full time in that same period, according to a new study by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Found this breakdown interesting:

Overall, the study found that during a typical day, typical 8- to 18-year-olds do the following:

81% watch TV
74% listen to radio
68% listen to CD/tape/MP3
54% use a computer
47% go online
47% read a magazine
46% read a book
41% play console video games
39% watch videos or DVDs
35% play handheld video games
34% read a newspaper
21% watch prerecorded TV
13% go to a movie

Link to article.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dowing some public Institution for the benefit of Mankind.. Biggle and I looked at each other; and Mr.. 133, translated by A.. But Polly had promised to beg me, and I dared all! I told Dennis to hold his peace, under all circumstances, and sent him down.. The wagon had no sooner floated away from the shore than he felt himself at home.. The next instant she had seized him. You've got to show what it is--tell the whole story your own way.. Lifting his foot above his face, he said: You stir till I tell you, an' I'll stomp your nose down even with the balance of your mean face.. They strolled on the beach, they took long walks in the back country, they fished from the end of a pier, they smoked, they talked, and were happy and content.. The state of thinking must take an interest in the connecting paths between the presentations without allowing itself to be misled by their intensities.. It was not a big boy bullying a little one, but a young wolf with glistening teeth and a lamb cowering before him; or, it was a dog faithful and famishing--or a star going slowly into eclipse--or a rainbow fading--or a flower blooming--or a sun rising--or a waning moon.. You see the holler there? Well, they's ten foot o' water in it, an' it had ort to be stone dry.. It was characteristic that the freckled boy remained standing.. Then he says, One--two--three-- git ! and him and the feller touched up the frogs from behind, and the new frog hopped off lively, but Dan'l give a heave, and hysted up his shoulders--so--like a Frenchman, but it warn't no use--he couldn't budge; he was planted as solid as a church, and he couldn't no more stir than if he was anchored out.. I have dropped that too, said Podington; there it floats.. We thus see that the day remnants, among which we may now include the indifferent impressions when they participate in the dream formation, not only borrow from the Unc.. Van Kamp dubbed the barn, with enough more money to make him love all the world until he got used to having it. The husbands took on the politely surly look required of them.. For a single intelligent observation of the psychic life of a neurotic, a single analysis of a dream must force upon him the unalterable conviction that the most complicated and correct mental operations, to which no one will refuse the name of psychic occurrences, may take place without exciting the consciousness of the person.. No gen'l'man'll 'low er lady to do such a thing...

11:24 AM  

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